Thursday, 15 November 2012

Does the media solve _ problems with censorship

Censoring through the media in regards to social problems can in turn cause more problems in a kind of ironic way. If  the social media sites suddenly started to censor what the public were saying there would be uproar. a good hypothetical example of this would be people, possibley jokeingly, discussing starting a riot. should the institution in charge choose to censor this it would increase anger in the population possibley causing a riot itself, although that may be far fetched. Another example of where the media affects social problems could be seen through how news institution present information. an example of this would be a news institution failing to report a story as despite them attempting to prevent some informaiton from being posted it will eventually come to lightand cause public outrage. A good example would be the recent Jimmy Saville case as apparently the BBC were aware of some sort of Savilles offenses, Now that the stories have began flooding in regarding his abuse people have lost trust in the BBC for not reporting these facts until after his death. this has also lead to the very recent stepping down of the director general in which his salary has caused controversy yet again. If the BBC had perhaps not reported at all the impact would have been riculous, it would have likely let to protests regarding the BBC. Yet they did report and receive backlash from the public placing them in a damned if you do, damned if you don't type situation. Another example could be with the Julian Assange case as whilst the media is not censoring directly they are not posting all the facts according to his supporters and are instead trying to misdirect why he is wanted by authorities with accusations of rape.

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