- To some extenet there is a degree of control over social media in britain. this can be seen through the recent surge in arrests over offensive twitter comments as shown in the linked article regarding the athlete Tom Daley. This shows that already the authorities ahve taken some form of interest in how abuse is handled over the internet as these types of cases have only come about this year.
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- Also in regards to arrests over online interactions it can be seen as a good move to make as it allows abusive members of online comunities to be punish. On the other hand this also shows that there is a lot more monitering of the internet than previously thought by some as people that use false accounts to avoid the repurcusions of making such comments can easily be found by the goverment. This is though by some to possibly escalate by the goverment censoring things on the internet that they do not want the population to see. The US goverment has previously tried to pass a bill that allows this which the internet reacted with by "Blacking out" for a day in protest causing the bill to not be passed.
-The ability to have more control over the internet can have benefits as people who lack their anonimity are less likely to behave as they would when they have their "Internet mask". This can lead to a possible increase in quality on online communities.
- Despite the drawbacks allowing anonimity creates there are also benefits as seen with Amanda Todd seeking help on a womans advice forum under a pseudym. Had she not used the ability to be anonamous to her advantage, she would have been easily tracked down to that website and suffered abuse there as well.
-In regards to the Adrian Chen article what the article fails to state is how he come by the information. The user ViolentAcrez mentioned he was outed by someone at the meetup taking pictures of him, which was sent to Adrian Chen. The only user taking pictures at the meetup that was active around the time of the leaks was the user AliceCapone, one of the users in charge of the subreddit "SRS" or "Shit reddit says" which has come under constant fire from the community for being mongering various arguments and, ironically, trolling. The pics leaked of the user were then used by adrian chen and reverse image searching to uncover the personal details of this user. This is kind of a rant but relevent somehow yet im not entirely sure how to put it, either way whilst im not justifying anything ViolentAcrez did I won't praise Chen as the "Hero of the web" he makes himself out to be. Also calling ViolentAcrez the biggest troll on the web is a bit of an overstatement "Biggest troll on reddit" would be more appropriate.
-Web anonimty also allows some form of reedom of speech as it allows users to post what they want without worrying about repurcusions. This allows people (Particually americans on the internet who seem to be obsessed with their various forms of so called freedom) to post what htey want. But then there is a counter argument of whether being able to post what they want should be allowed as it allows people to post content that is offensive whilst not being illegal and therefor not subject to being taken down. All in all this seems to be a double edged sword with pros and cons to each argument.
A competent answer that has some excellent examples. It needs a little theory included within it and is still missing some more specifics linked to the question I think.